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Baton Rouge, Louisiana recent comments:

  • Tiger Stadium, SenorQuack wrote 4 years ago:
  • SHAQ ONEIL Statue, flatiger wrote 7 years ago:
    LSU unveils bronze Shaq statue. Retired NBA superstar Shaquille O’Neal was rumored to weigh up to 400 pounds during his 19-year professional career, but he was dwarfed Thursday when he unveiled a 900-pound monster bronze statue of himself at alma mater Louisiana State University.
  • Quarters - Endless Entertainment, TLU2008 wrote 8 years ago:
    Actually, the address, 4530 Sherwood Forest, corresponds to an old Eckerd, not Super Fresh, though it pulled out around the same time.
  • College Town, Owen Scott III wrote 8 years ago:
    I moved the east boundary line of Collegetown (where I live) to the west so the it ends with Stanford Avenue. The previous line was inaccurate as it extended to Lee Drive and included University Hills subdivision and other land to the east of Collegetown.
  • Tiger Bend Discount Zone, TLU2008 wrote 8 years ago:
    Resized polygon due to road changes
  • Scotlandville, succedaneum (guest) wrote 9 years ago:
    Scotlandville is such a nice suburb of Baton Rouge.
  • Knights Inn, TLU2008 wrote 10 years ago:
    Days into knights?
  • Goodwood Plantation, zbstaples (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    Dr Samuel George Laycock sr, father of Judge Samuel George Laycock Jr
  • Goodwood Plantation, I live in BR (guest) wrote 10 years ago:
    This isn't where the state police academy is. That is close by though. Also isn't a movie theater. This is goodwood plantation built in the 1850s for a Dr. S.G. Layton and then owned by the babin family.
  • Walgreens, TLU2008 wrote 10 years ago:
    Not a Rite Aid, a Walgreens
  • Bluebonnet Towers, TLU2008 wrote 10 years ago:
    Modeled to base best I could.
  • Rite Aid, TLU2008 wrote 10 years ago:
    Confirmed: NOT former Eckerd
  • Admiral Motel, TLU2008 wrote 10 years ago:
    Amazingly sketchy!!
  • Baseball Fields, TLU2008 wrote 10 years ago:
    pretty sure this is part of the park, but it's hard to tell what the boundaries of said park actually are
  • BREC North Sherwood Forest Community Park, TLU2008 wrote 10 years ago:
    Google Maps seems wrong
  • Louisiana Art and Science Museum, danielaudeon wrote 10 years ago:
    Hosted the IPS 2012 in July (International Planetarium Society meeting)
  • Former The Real Superstore, TLU2008 wrote 10 years ago:
    Opened in early 1980s according to somewhere else
  • Tiger Bend Discount Zone, TLU2008 wrote 10 years ago:
    Or at least I think it was a Chevron. Care to help me out, anyone?
  • Garden District, TLU2008 wrote 11 years ago:
    Fixed it, it was three times the size it should be.
  • Louisana State Office Complex, brandon (guest) wrote 11 years ago:
    This is also where the louisana stat police traning accadmy is located